Saturday, March 6, 2010

The subject of end-of-life decisions is not comfortable for many people. Business Week just published an interesting commentary on the topic from the wife of a fairly young man named Terence Foley who died of cancer at age 67. Read the story of "Lessons Learned from a $618,616 Death at In this difficult and revealing article, the author asks herself if the multiple attempts at saving her husband's life were worth it, and seems to conclude that they absolutely were, in costs both financial and emotional.

After several years of fighting cancer in every way possible, Mr. Foley was eventually transferred to hospice where he died as comfortable a death possible given the circumstances. Despite his illness, his last years were very full and he shard many important experiences with his family before he died.

If you have a loved one suffering from a debiliatating chronic disease, you should read this article.

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